Module serenity::model::channel[][src]

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Models relating to channels and types within channels.


A file uploaded with a message. Not to be confused with Embeds.

Channel Mention Object

Represents a rich embed which allows using richer markdown, multiple fields and more. This was heavily inspired by slack’s attachments.

An author object in an embed.

A field object in an embed.

Footer information for an embed.

An image object in an embed.

The provider of an embed.

The dimensions and URL of an embed thumbnail.

Video information for an embed.

Represents a guild’s text, news, or voice channel. Some methods are available only for voice channels and some are only available for text channels. News channels are a subset of text channels and lack slow mode hence Self::slow_mode_rate will be None.

A representation of a message over a guild’s text channel, a group, or a private channel.

Rich Presence activity information.

Rich Presence application information.

Describes extra features of the message.

A representation of a reaction to a message.

Reference data sent with crossposted messages.

A helper class returned by ChannelId::messages_iter

A container for any partial channel.

A partial guild channel.

A channel-specific permission overwrite for a member or role.

A Direct Message text channel with another user.

An emoji reaction to a message.

A sticker sent with a message.

A thread data.

A response to getting several threads channels.


A container for any channel.

A representation of a type of channel.

Differentiates between regular and different types of system messages.

The type of edit being made to a Channel’s permissions.

The type of a Reaction sent.

Differentiates between sticker formats.

The video quality mode for a voice channel.