Module serenity::utils[][src]

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A set of utilities to help with common use cases that are not required to fully use the library.


Colour constants used by Discord for their branding, role colour palette, etc.


A utility struct to help with working with the basic representation of a colour. This is particularly useful when working with a Role’s colour, as the API works with an integer value instead of an RGB value.

Describes formatting on string content

Struct that allows to alter content_safe’s behaviour.

A builder for constructing a personal Message instance. This can be useful for emitting a manual dispatch to the framework, but you don’t have a message in hand, or just have a fragment of its data.

The Message Builder is an ergonomic utility to easily build a message, by adding text and mentioning mentionable structs.


Error that can be returned from ChannelCategory::convert.

Formatting modifiers for MessageBuilder content pushes

Error that can be returned from Emoji::convert.

Error that can be returned from GuildChannel::convert.

Error that can be returned from Guild::convert.

Error that can be returned from Member::convert.

Error that can be returned from Message::convert.


Parse a value from a string in context of a received message.

A trait with additional functionality over the MessageBuilder for creating content with additional functionality available only in embeds.



Transforms role, channel, user, @everyone and @here mentions into raw text by using the Cache only.

Converts a HashMap into a final serde_json::Map representation.

Retrieves an Id from a channel mention.

Retrieves the animated state, name and Id from an emoji mention, in the form of an EmojiIdentifier.

Retrieves the “code” part of an invite out of a URL.

Retrieve the ID number out of a channel, role, or user mention.

Retrieves IDs from “{channel ID}-{message ID}” (retrieved by shift-clicking on “Copy ID”).

Retrieves guild, channel, and message ID from a message URL.

Turns a string into a vector of string arguments, splitting by spaces, but parsing content within quotes as one individual argument.

Retrieves an Id from a role mention.

Retrieves the username and discriminator out of a user tag (name#discrim).

Retrieves an Id from a user mention.

Parses the id and token from a webhook url. Expects a reqwest::Url object rather than a &str.

Reads an image from a path and encodes it into base64.

Calculates the Id of the shard responsible for a guild, given its Id and total number of shards used.

Type Definitions