Constant telescope::api::rcos::meetings::authorization_for::authorization_for::QUERY[][src]

pub const QUERY: &str = "# GraphQL query to check if a given user can view draft meetings on a given date (which should generally be now).\nquery AuthorizationFor($now: date!, $user_id: uuid!) {\n    # Coordinators can view drafts\n    current_semesters: semesters(where: {\n        start_date: {_lte: $now},\n        end_date: {_gte: $now}\n    }) {\n        # Check if the user is a coordinator.\n        enrollments(where: {user_id: {_eq: $user_id}}, limit: 1) {\n            is_coordinator\n        }\n\n        # Check if the user is a mentor\n        small_groups(where: {small_group_mentors: {user_id: {_eq: $user_id}}}) {\n            small_group_id\n        }\n    }\n\n    # So can anyone who is a Faculty Advisor\n    users_by_pk(id: $user_id) {\n        role\n    }\n}\n";