Constant telescope::api::rcos::meetings::get::meetings::QUERY[][src]

pub const QUERY: &str = "# Get all the public meetings between two timestamps\nquery Meetings($start: timestamptz!, $end: timestamptz!, $include_drafts: Boolean!, $accept_types: [meeting_type!]!) {\n    meetings(\n        where: {\n            # Use this instead of comparison so that if $include_drafts\n            # is true, we still get finalized meetings as well.\n            is_draft: {_in: [false, $include_drafts]},\n            start_date_time: {_gte: $start, _lt: $end},\n            type: {_in: $accept_types}\n        },\n        # Order chronologically\n        order_by: {\n            start_date_time: asc\n        }\n    ) {\n        meeting_id\n        start_date_time\n        end_date_time\n        external_presentation_url\n        title\n        type\n\n        recording_url\n        meeting_url\n        is_remote\n\n        is_draft\n\n        location\n\n        description\n\n        # Get info about the host\n        host: user {\n            id\n            first_name\n            last_name\n        }\n    }\n}\n";