Module trust_dns_proto::rr::rdata[][src]

Expand description

All record data structures and related serialization methods


pub use self::caa::CAA;
pub use self::mx::MX;
pub use self::naptr::NAPTR;
pub use self::null::NULL;
pub use self::openpgpkey::OPENPGPKEY;
pub use self::opt::OPT;
pub use self::soa::SOA;
pub use self::srv::SRV;
pub use self::sshfp::SSHFP;
pub use self::tlsa::TLSA;
pub use self::txt::TXT;


IPv4 address record data

IPv6 address record data

allows a DNS domain name holder to specify one or more Certification Authorities (CAs) authorized to issue certificates for that domain.

mail exchange, email, record

Record type for all cname like records.

Dynamic Delegation Discovery System

null record type, generally not used except as an internal tool for representing null data

OPENPGPKEY records for OpenPGP public keys

option record for passing protocol options between the client and server

start of authority record defining ownership and defaults for the zone

service records for identify port mapping for specific services on a host

SSHFP records for SSH public key fingerprints

TLSA records for storing TLS certificate validation information

text records for storing arbitrary data