Module trust_dns_proto::xfer[][src]

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DNS high level transit implimentations.

Primarily there are two types in this module of interest, the DnsMultiplexer type and the DnsHandle type. DnsMultiplexer can be thought of as the state machine responsible for sending and receiving DNS messages. DnsHandle is the type given to API users of the trust-dns-proto library to send messages into the DnsMultiplexer for delivery. Finally there is the DnsRequest type. This allows for customizations, through DnsRequestOptions, to the delivery of messages via a DnsMultiplexer.

TODO: this module needs some serious refactoring and normalization.


pub use self::dns_handle::DnsHandle;
pub use self::dns_handle::DnsStreamHandle;
pub use self::dns_handle::StreamHandle;
pub use self::dns_multiplexer::DnsMultiplexer;
pub use self::dns_multiplexer::DnsMultiplexerConnect;
pub use self::dns_multiplexer::DnsMultiplexerSerialResponse;
pub use self::dns_request::DnsRequest;
pub use self::dns_request::DnsRequestOptions;
pub use self::dns_response::DnsResponse;
pub use self::retry_dns_handle::RetryDnsHandle;


DnsHandle types perform conversions of the raw DNS messages before sending the messages on the specified streams.

DnsMultiplexer and associated types implement the state machines for sending DNS messages while using the underlying streams.

DnsRequest wraps a Message and associates a set of DnsRequestOptions for specifying different transfer options.

DnsResponse wraps a Message and any associated connection details

RetryDnsHandle allows for DnsQueries to be reattempted on failure


Used for associating a name_server to a DnsRequestStreamHandle

A buffering stream bound to a SocketAddr

A sender to which serialized DNS Messages can be sent

This is a generic Exchange implemented over multiplexed DNS connection providers.

This background future is responsible for driving all network operations for the DNS protocol.

A wrapper for a future DnsExchange connection.

A Future that will resolve to a Response after sending the request

A sender to which serialized DNS Messages can be sent

A OneshotDnsRequest creates a channel for a response to message

A DNS message in serialized form, with either the target address or source address


A Future that wraps a oneshot::Receiver and resolves to the final value


A non-multiplexed stream of Serialized DNS messages

Types that implement this are capable of sending a serialized DNS message on a stream